Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #369

12/04/11 23:38:49 (5 years ago)

Added ticket, edited for clarity and order... Plus:

  1. As of 23:20 on 4 Dec 2011 the site uses Syslog instead of Database log -- should save many extra requests to MySQL. Will wait a week then uninstall that module to significantly shrink the database.
  2. downloaded slow queries log from /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log to analyse soon
  3. in settings.php changed session.cookie_lifetime (session lifetime) to 3 days from 23, made session.gc_maxlifetime (session garbage collection) daily


  • Ticket #369

    • Property Add Hours to Ticket changed from 0.0 to 0.5
    • Property Total Hours changed from 0.0 to 0.5
  • Ticket #369 – Description

    initial v1  
    33 1. Disable Drupal DB Logging, switching to SysLog instead. -- Small but consistent boost, especially when under heavy load... We'd need a dev-friendly way of viewing the logs though. Very quick change. 
    44 1. Trawl SQL logs for slow queries, find out what's causing them and eradicate the cause -- tough job but potentially huge returns. 
    5  1. Switch to NGINX -- Chris thinks this is a lot of work, see #357 
    65 1. Add flood control/DoS blocking and other temporary blocks at the server level if an IP address or crawler bot is taking the piss. A job for Chris. 
    76 1. Lower session timeout to 1 day from whatever it is now -- PHP settings or settings.php tweak, quick-ish job for me/Chris. 
    87 1. Enable more caching for panels/views -- this job is simple but long-ish... Many are done, some left to do. 
    9 Go on a module cull -- This is hard and slow, and will result in a loss of functionality. But some modules could be dropped if there's a will. 
     8 1. Go on a module cull -- This is hard and slow, and will result in a loss of functionality. But some modules could be dropped if there's a will. 
    109 1. Massively shrink site CSS -- Small performance increase for 'normal' users, BIG gains for older computers and mobile devices - As Laura points out, better than lots of images, but it still needs to re-use CSS rules/selectors where possible and throw out legacy code. 
    1110 1. Enable Throttle module to auto-disable modules during heavy loads -- Throttle gets a bad press and can cause issues, 
    1211 1. Disable Piwik and use Google Analytics instead. Chris is opposed to this but server resources are at a premium unfortunately. 
    1312 1. Force HTTP only for non-logged in users (explained above) -- BIG boost, quick settings change, though might need Chris to alter htaccess/varnish setup. 
     13 1. Switch to NGINX -- Chris thinks this is a lot of work, see #357