Changes between Version 6 and Version 10 of Ticket #369

12/14/11 13:09:12 (5 years ago)

(EDIT: keeps mangling my numbered lists!) Moving to maintenance...

2) underway 3) needs Chris to tweak the firewall settings, or replace if it can't handle basic flood control 7) Should be revisited in a few weeks -- I'll add DB Tuner and test again at some point. 8) in discussion at #371 and #292 9) Laura will do over time 10) This is a test we can do IF performance issues arise again 11, 12 and 13 to be avoided unless absolutely necessary


  • Ticket #369

    • Property Add Hours to Ticket changed from 0.05 to 0.23
    • Property Total Hours changed from 2.3 to 2.53
    • Property Type changed from defect to maintenance
  • Ticket #369 – Description

    v6 v10  
    775. ~~Enable more caching for panels/views -- this job is simple but long-ish... Many are done, some left to do.~~ 
    886. ~~Add indexes to tables where needed.~~~ 
    9 7. ~~Do config/performance enhancement ideas in {{{mysqltuner.log}}}~~ 
    10 8. Massively shrink site CSS -- Small performance increase for 'normal' users, BIG gains for older computers and mobile devices - As Laura points out, better than lots of images, but it still needs to re-use CSS rules/selectors where possible and throw out legacy code. 
    11 9. Disable Piwik on LIVE and use Google Analytics instead OR move Piwik to another server. Chris is opposed to this but server resources are at a premium unfortunately -- See #371 
     97. Do config/performance enhancement ideas from DB Tuner (was in {{{mysqltuner.log}}}, JK to run again around xmas) 
     108. Disable Piwik on LIVE and use Google Analytics instead OR move Piwik to another server. Chris is opposed to this but server resources are at a premium unfortunately -- See #371 
     119. Massively shrink site CSS -- Small performance increase for 'normal' users, BIG gains for older computers and mobile devices - As Laura points out, better than lots of images, but it still needs to re-use CSS rules/selectors where possible and throw out legacy code. 
    121210. Force HTTP only for non-logged in users (explained above) -- BIG boost, quick settings change, though might need Chris to alter htaccess/varnish setup. 
    131311. Enable Throttle module to auto-disable modules during heavy loads -- Throttle gets a bad press and can cause issues,