16 | | '''J) Convert inline PHP into module code and features''' -- various parts (1-2 hours for block code; 4-6 hours to make Features be used across site), high reward, low risk -- {{{Eval()}}}uated code is much slower than PHP in files, especially since it can't be accelerated by APC or Zend Opcode cache... We have a few blocks and many views that are loaded from the database and evaluated. Ideally the blocks would be moved to the 'Transition Extras' module, and the views would be pushed into features. This work is good to do for maintainability and D7 upgrades, too. |
| 19 | '''J) Convert inline PHP into module code and features''' -- various parts (1-2 hours for block code; 4-6 hours to make Features be used across site), high reward, low risk -- {{{Eval()}}}uated code is much slower than PHP in files, especially since it can't be accelerated by APC or Zend Opcode cache... We have a few blocks and many views that are loaded from the database and evaluated. Ideally the blocks would be moved to the 'Transition Extras' module, and the views would be pushed into features. This work is good to do for maintainability and D7 upgrades, too. See: http://2bits.com/api/abuse-drupal-best-practices-your-own-peril-poor-performance.html and http://2bits.com/articles/free-your-content-php-moving-php-code-out-blocks-views-and-nodes.html |