Changes between Version 18 and Version 21 of Ticket #590

09/07/13 16:33:24 (3 years ago)

12.. Onto proposal D: Check/improve views caching...

The principle around views cache times is that if it's relatively regularly updated, 1/2 hour is fine. Less, or less important is 1 hour. Other ancillary stuff can be 6 hours (the next level in Views). Also views that are simple to generate, will only cache their results and not rendered output (e.g. block list of titles), whilst complex displays will store the output (e.g. slideshow). Node view lists (blog, news etc) will only store results, not rendered as they are big for the cache pages -- we can review this later.


All done! OK so a LOT of views were uncached, now are... some user-centric views are now microcached for 5 mins, others that aren't so important have a much longer holding time.

The upshot will be a faster site, but a HUGE cache_views table. I don't see why this would matter really, provided it doesn't get too big. I'll monitor from here for a week or so, and in Munin the burst of MySQL insert/update activity from 15:25-16:25 today (7 Sep) marks the work I did and the start of the new caching regime for comparison purposes.

So that's C done.


  • Ticket #590

    • Property Add Hours to Ticket changed from 0.35 to 1.05
    • Property Total Hours changed from 6.4 to 7.45
  • Ticket #590 – Description

    v18 v21  
    99=== To Do: Agreed by Ed === 
    10 '''D) Review Views caching''' 1-2 hours, low risk, high reward -- this was done a while back but I think 
    1210'''F) Force blocks caches to cached appropriately (and be rendered/included only as needed)''' 1-2 hours, medium reward, low risk -- BOA packages the [ Block Cache Alter], which makes sure Drupal only renders blocks when needed. Potential small but nice boost quickly in whole site. 
    2422'''B) Try a Taxonomy Cleanup''':  3 hours, Medium risk, medium reward -- style module to try to merge terms with the same names and clean up the link tables back to nodes. Further, we can remove any taxonomies or relations to certain CTs that don't really add value. 
     24'''D) Review Views caching''' 1-2 hours, low risk, high reward -- this was done a while back but I think -- done (task 12) in comment 21. 
    2626'''H) Remove CustomError module all together''' ~~1/2 hour, low risk, low reward -- We should take out the PHP code from the 403 section of CustomError and put it into a simple page entry. See comment 6 below as this has happened for 404s (which need no PHP). We can then remove the CustomError module all together, saving lots of sessions. I would go ahead and do this but since the 403 page has various displays depending on user type, I wanted to raise it here as it *may* have side effects. Or not...~~ 