Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #754, comment 44

05/19/15 10:24:43 (18 months ago)


  • Ticket #754, comment 44

    v1 v2  
    11113. Webarchitects creates a new virtual server, installs BOA and [ xboa] is used to copy the site to the new test server. 
    13 Option 2. and 3. will not only require a fair amount of my time (and probably Alans for option 2.) but there will also be the cost of the additional virtual server, though it could have substiantially less resources than PuffinServer has (eg 2GB or RAM rather than 8GB) and we might only need to run it for a week or so. I think my perfered way of doing it would be option 3. with Paul doing the `xboa` migration steps, but I suspect that option 3. might be quicker, I don't have a view either way regarding option 1. 
     13Option 2. and 3. will not only require a fair amount of my time (and probably Alans for option 2.) but there will also be the cost of the additional virtual server, though it could have substiantially less resources than PuffinServer has (eg 2GB of RAM rather than 8GB) and we might only need to run it for a week or so. I think my perfered way of doing it would be option 3. with Paul doing the `xboa` migration steps, but I suspect that option 3. might be quicker, I don't have a view either way regarding option 1. 
    1515What do other people think? How should we best do this?