These scripts were written to enable the quick and easy updating of packages and the {{{Changelog}}}, see ticket:470#comment:6. The following two scripts, {{{a-up}}} and {{{logchanges}}}, they are installed on PenguinServer and can be used to do system updates and record the updates in /root/Changelog. The contents of the Changelog is then emailed to root by [ metche] so that the people working on the server know what updates have been applied. == a-up == {{{ #!/bin/bash # This script runs "aptitude full-upgrade" and updates the Changelog # location of the logchange script LOGCHANGE="/usr/local/bin/logchange" # check that the logchange script is installed if [[ ! -f $LOGCHANGE ]] ; then echo "You need to install the $LOGCHANGE script before you can run $0" exit fi # check that apt-show-versions in installed and if it isn't then install it if [[ ! -f "/usr/bin/apt-show-versions" ]] ; then echo "Installing apt-show-versions, please wait a while after it's installed" logchange "apt-show-versions : installed" aptitude install apt-show-versions exit fi # get updates apt-get -qq update # get a list of updates UPDATES=$(apt-show-versions -b -u | xargs) # if we have updates then install them and write the list of updates to the # Changelog if [[ $UPDATES ]]; then echo "About to upgrade $UPDATES" logchange "$UPDATES : updated" aptitude full-upgrade exit else echo "No updates today" exit fi }}} == logchange == {{{ #!/bin/bash # This is a script to update the Changelog # File name of the Changelog CHANGELOG_NAME="Changelog" DATESTAMP=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) TIMESTAMP=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S) # check that $HOME is set if [[ $HOME ]]; then CHANGELOG_DIR=$HOME CHANGELOG=$CHANGELOG_DIR/$CHANGELOG_NAME BACKUP_DIR=$CHANGELOG_DIR/.$CHANGELOG_NAME CHANGELOG_BACKUP=$BACKUP_DIR/$CHANGELOG_NAME.$TIMESTAMP else echo "You are homeless?" exit fi # get a username and if we can't use root if [[ $SUDO_USER ]]; then CHANGELOG_EDITOR=$SUDO_USER elif [[ $USER ]]; then CHANGELOG_EDITOR=$USER else CHANGELOG_EDITOR=root fi # check for some changes on standard input if [[ $1 ]]; then CHANGES=$1 elif [[ ! $1 ]]; then echo "Type the changes you would like recorded then [ENTER]:" read changes CHANGES=$changes fi # create the backup directory if it doesn't exist if [[ ! -d "${BACKUP_DIR}" ]] ; then mkdir $BACKUP_DIR fi # backup the CHANGELOG if it exists if [[ -f "${CHANGELOG}" ]] ; then cp -a $CHANGELOG $CHANGELOG_BACKUP fi # write the date and user to the CHANGELOG echo -e "$DATESTAMP\t$CHANGELOG_EDITOR" > $CHANGELOG # write what we have done, taken from standard in echo -e "\t*\t$CHANGES" >> $CHANGELOG # write a blank line echo >> $CHANGELOG # write the backup back to the $CHANGELOG if [[ -f "${CHANGELOG_BACKUP}" ]] ; then cat $CHANGELOG_BACKUP >> $CHANGELOG fi }}}