=kiwi.transitionnetwork.org= The original documentation for this server is at http://atrium.transitiontoday.org/dev/development-server the parts that still seem relevant have been copied here and updated as necessary. The development server is [http://kiwi.transitionnetwork.org/ kiwi.transitionnetwork.org], it's a encrypted 40G debian virtual machine with 1Gb of dedicated RAM. The encryption key can be shared with others if needs be, there is a ssh account on the physical machine that can be used to reboot and decrypt the machine. The physical server that virtual machine is running on has quad Intel Xeon 2.00GHz 64bit processors, 16Gb RAM, the host OS debian is running on a pair of mirrored 73Gb SAS disks and the virtual machines on a pair of mirrored 2Tb SATA disks. There are [http://nsa.rat.burntout.org/munin/webarch.net/kiwi.webarch.net.html remote munin stats] for the server available, these include memory usage and cpu usage stats. The stats are also [https://kiwi.transitionnetwork.org/munin/webarch.net/kiwi.webarch.net.html available from the server itself] and the server hosts [https://kiwi.transitionnetwork.org/munin/gaiahost.coop/transitiontowns.gaiahost.coop.html munin stats for the live server], transitiontowns.gaiahost.coop. The development server has a development, http://dev.transitionnetwork.org/, and a testing, http://test.transitionnetwork.org/, version of the live server set-up. The test, dev and live code bases are currently kept in [https://svn.webarch.net/transition/ this subversion repository] but the plan is to migrate it to the [https://tech.transitionnetwork.org/svn/ Trac svn repo]. == Network and DNS == The server has 3 IP addresses, but only one is currently needed,,, == SSH access == Which ever developers need ssh access can have it, and sudo if needs be, contact chris@webarchitects.co.uk. When adding a new account don't forget to edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config to add the new user to !AllowUsers and restart sshd. Users can be granted sudo rights like this: {{{ kiwi:~# adduser username sudo }}} /etc/sudoers is set up so that people don't need to type their passwords when sudo'ing. If users also set up ssh keys then this means that people can use very long, essentially uncrackable, passwords but never actually need to remember or use them unless they lose their local ssh key or they need to login via the consol. == Packages == The following packages and their dependencies have been installed using aptitude: * rsync * libapache2-mod-fastcgi * mysql-server * php5-imagick * php5-mysql * phpmyadmin * php-pear * subversion * php5-suhosin * php-apc * php5-mcrypt * php5-dev * libmagic-dev * make * dnsutils * whois * munin * libwww-perl * lynx * imagemagick * trac == Apache == After making any changes to the Apache configuration best do a configtest first to make sure the configuration is OK: {{{ sudo /usr/sbin/apache2ctl configtest }}} And then to restart the apache server: {{{ sudo /usr/sbin/apache2ctl restart }}} == phpMyAdmin == The phymyadmin debian package was installed and directives from /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf and /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl were copied into /etc/apache2/sites-available/phpmyadmin and then the VirtualServer was enabled, a2ensite phpmyadmin and apache restarted. phpMyAdmin is available at: https://kiwi.transitionnetwork.org/phpmyadmin/