Draft for edit: Subject: Your old password no longer works, please create a new one. Hi all A major vulnerability in the technology that powers encryption across much of the internet was discovered last week. Like many other teams, we took immediate action to patch the vulnerability in our site. www.transitionnetwork.org is no longer vulnerable. Though we have no evidence of malicious behaviour, we've taken the extra precaution of changing your password, so your old password will no longer work. You will get a separate email from the website that allows you to reset your password and you will need to do so before you can access the site. Please make sure you use a good password. More about that here: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/password_strength.png It might be a good moment to investigate using a password manager such as http://keepass.info/ which takes the pain out of remembering passwords. If you have any questions or concerns, please email webproject@transitionnetwork.org. For more information on this vulnerability, also known as "Heartbleed," visit Ed's Blog: https://www.transitionnetwork.org/blogs/ed-mitchell/2014-04/heartbleed-security-issue or http://heartbleed.com/ Kind regards Sam & the tech team