Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of IIRS/DevelopmentPlan

08/26/13 18:16:02 (3 years ago)



  • IIRS/DevelopmentPlan

    v7 v8  
    11= Development plan =  
     3Note time in [square brackets] is an estimate, (hours in normal brackets) on done items is time actually spent. 
    35* 17.5 hrs - early design meetings and documentation - already done 
    57== Alpha (19 September) == 
    7 '''Delivers:''' D7 Panopoly-based site with initiative widget internationalisation capabilities  
     9''Delivers a D7 Panopoly-based site based on TN's own new distribution, with component/plugabble (initiative) widget system, internationalisation capabilities.'' 
    9 1. 0.25 Clone winacc_panpoly distribution repo -> rename to transition_network_d7 
    10 1. 1.5 Change profile to be TN-focused, include key modules: 
    11   * Address 
    12   * Geofield 
    13   * I18n & related language/internationalisation modules & best practice 
     11=== Done ===  
     121. ~~0.25 Clone winacc_panpoly distribution repo -> rename to transitionnetwork_d7~~ (1.5 hours) - Distro here: 
     131. 1.0 Change profile to be TN-focused, include key modules:  (0.5 hours) 
     14  * ~~Address~~ 
     15  * ~~Geofield, geocoder, geophp~~ 
     16  * ~~Leaflet~~ 
     171. ~~Set up local development site~~ (1.5 hours). 
     181. ~~R&D into various aspects: BOA, Leaflet/OpenLayers, makefiles etc~~ (0.5 hours) 
     20'''Development total so far: 4 hours''' 
     23=== To Do === 
     241. [1] Set up test site on Jim's server  
     251. [12] Change profile and extend Distro to be TN Hub focused, needs extra key modules including: 
    1426  * User profile-related modules 
    15 1. 0.5 Look at Debut feature and include where sensible 
    16 1. 0.5 Create Initiative feature 
    17 1. 0.5 Create User Profile feature (decide approach Profile2 vs core) 
    18 1. 0.5 Create very simple Bootstrap-based theme (little/no customisations) 
    19 1. 1.0 Begin/convert new Widget modules (core, initiative, registration etc) -- see 
    20 1. 1.0 Enable French language and translate some key bits with Google Translate. 
    21 1. 4.0 Convert D6 widget modules & features to D7 per  [[IIRS/SolutionDesign]] 
    22 1. 1.0 (Ben?) Update widget HTML/CSS/theme as needed.  
    23 1. 1.0 Update all views, panels, features to handle language context. 
     27  * Social media login/integration 
     28  * Services modules 
    25 '''Total: 12.25 +/- 5''' (= 98 - 140 hrs) 
     301. [0] ~~Look at Debut feature and include where sensible~~ ''Not needed at present'' 
     311. [4] Create Initiative feature 
     321. [2] Investigate I18n & related language/internationalisation modules & best practice 
     341. [4] Create User Profile feature (decide approach Profile2 vs core) 
     351. [4] Create very simple Bootstrap-based theme (little/no customisations) 
     361. [8] Begin/convert new Widget modules (core, initiative, registration etc) -- see 
     371. [8] Enable French language and translate some key bits with Google Translate. 
     381. [32] Convert D6 widget modules & features to D7 per  [[IIRS/SolutionDesign]] 
     391. [8] (Ben?) Update widget HTML/CSS/theme as needed.  
     401. [8] Update all views, panels, features to handle language context. 
     42'''Expected total: 12.25 +/- 5''' (= 98 - 140 hrs) 
    2744== Beta (? October) == 
    29 1. 1.5 Fix bugs/do tweaks 
    30 1. 4.0 Add services to sync between D6 <--> D7 sites (and future hub sites) 
    31 1. 1.0 Test, tweak, fix 
     461. [12] Fix bugs/do tweaks 
     471. [32] Add Services to sync between D6 <--> D7 sites (and future hub sites) with resilient queuing, plugable architecture 
     481. [12] Test, tweak, prep Beta, install, integrate 
    33 ''Subtotal: 6.5 +/- 3'' (= 52 - 76 hrs) 
     50''Subtotal: 6.5 +/- 3 days'' (= 52 - 76 hrs) 
    35 '''Total: 18.75 +/- 8''' (= 150 - 216 hrs) 
     52'''Total: 18.75 +/- 8 days''' (= 150 - 216 hrs) 
    3754NB: from Ed - Jim - your '''total''' time budget is 150 hrs. This gives us 3 days with a second programmer in beta phase (agreed as good idea). Bear this in mind!