Changes between Version 37 and Version 38 of IIRS/DevelopmentPlan

10/30/13 21:48:43 (3 years ago)



  • IIRS/DevelopmentPlan

    v37 v38  
    1616=== Plan === 
    1717Estimated time in hours in brackets. 
    18 1. UNDERWAY (2) Build stub code for the CTools content types (panes, workflows) needed to behave as template/documentation source. 
    19 1. (1) Create wireframe panes to test workflow progression though pages. 
    20 1. (4) Create views panes (search, listing, display, about). 
     181. Complete ~~(2) Build stub code for the CTools content types (panes, workflows) needed to behave as template/documentation source.~~ 
     201. UNDERWAY Build panes for display: 
     21  1. ~~(1) Listing~~ 
     22  1. (1) Search - will use Views. 
     23  1. (1) Display item -- will use Teaser view of initiative (ini), should be doable directly from Panels without coding. 
     24  1. (2) Map view -- views 
     25  1. (2) About page/pane - to decide if this is a fieldable panel pane, a node or some included text in module. 
     261. (.5) Add primary PoC to Ini CT. 
     271. (3) Create wireframe panes to test workflow progression though pages. 
     281. (6) Finalise workflow mechanism, code, test 
     291. (3) Create widget panel from panes and instances created so far. Add placeholder strings and deliver to Ed to get sign off and translated into Portuguese. 
     301. (4) Build stub Widget Instance entity and part of related UI for viewing/managing them. --!entity_example.module/7 and 
    21311. (1) Expose Widget Instance entity to Panels/CTools as a context. 
    22 1. (3) Create panel from panes and instances created so far. Add placeholder strings and deliver to Ed to get sign off and translated into Portuguese. 
    23 1. (4) Build stub Widget Instance entity and part of related UI for viewing/managing them. --!entity_example.module/7 and 
    24321. (1) Convert and update Drupal Features and modules. 
    25331. (2) Set up test site on Jim's server -- allows us to set up Hybrid Auth social media login 
    114122* Mild rethink to maximise results, minimise development and aim squarely at the IIRS widget as the MVP. -- DOCS UPDATE PENDING -- 
    115123* Plan of module & architecture from Drupal/code perspective -- code sketching. 
    116 * Decision taken to not include panopoly  
     124* Decision taken to not include panopoly 
     126==== 24 October -- 4h (5 total) ==== 
     127* Ed & Jim project Skype meeting 
     128* Created and enhanced Widgetizer module based on previous code. 
     129* Added new CTools type for 'Combined login/register' pane, (re)using much of PSE code for that. 
     130* Fixed annoying typo/bug preventing Ctools seeing new types. 
     132==== 25 October -- 1h (6 total) ==== 
     133* Added stub Ctools types for entry page for entity... At this point unsure if I'll use the basic/standard Initiative Node form, or a separate form with mapping (per PSE) 