| 148 | * Skype with Jim & Ed. |
| 149 | |
| 150 | ==== 7 November -- 1.5h (15.5 total) ==== |
| 151 | * Hit snags around current planned approach, needs simplifying. Issue is basically that own Widget Instance entity plus separate workflow/framework/container PLUS all the UI stuff... is going to be a LOT of work. So one last change of design is needed to get to an MVP ASAP, whilst being a flexible as possible. Consider issues over weekend and alter tack slightly. |
| 152 | * Question around if Widget instance is even needed? This is the part that might be good if we want to allow lots of users to have widgets AND track them, but for the IIRS needs it's overkill. A better approach will be to put the required variables inside the URL, and use those to pass to the entry workflow and views. |
| 153 | |
| 154 | ==== 11 November -- 1.5h (15.5 total) ==== |
| 155 | * Played around with Panels Tabs and Panels Ajax Tabs. Neither worked as I'd have liked, but Panels Ajax Tabs has most promise as it lazy-loads the panes as the user changes between them. Quicktabs was used for the PSE but it forces much of the config and choice into code. Hit a bug or two in Panels Ajax Tabs but will try further. |
| 156 | * New, simplified plan is: |
| 157 | 1. Build an 'Entry' page in panels. The url will be ''[language]/tn-widgets/entry/user-submit/[step]'', and the ''[step]'' is an argument that will be passed to the Workflow I've already created. [langauge] will be looked after by Drupal. |
| 158 | 2. Will create a 'Workflow Container' content type that is a pane that has the following settings form: |
| 159 | * Workflow - a select list to pick the appropriate workflow. To start there will be one: user login/reg, submit content, thanks page. |
| 160 | * Step - takes ''[step]'' argument from the URL (see above) and passes it to the Workflow module so it knows what step page to show |
| 161 | * Content type - the choice of content to submit for the 2nd step |
| 162 | * Thank you message - A WYSIWYG field that is the thankyou message. Ideally needs to be translatable in the UI. |
| 163 | 3. Will create an entry panels page with URL ''[language]/tn-widgets/view/country/[country-code]'', meaning the ''[country-code]'' will be used to do the filtering. Language is separate from country (though connected in real life) and present by the ''[language]'' argument. |
| 164 | |
| 165 | ==== 12 November -- 1h (15.5 total) ==== |
| 166 | * Quickly converted the PSE to D7 to aid in grabbing/reusing code -- especially around the 'Get Widget' page. |
| 167 | |
| 168 | ==== 13 November -- 1h (15.5 total) ==== |
| 169 | * Identified the [https://drupal.org/project/mlpanels Multilingual Panels module] that allows settings for panes to be translated from within Panels. This solves a big issue! |