Script created on ticket:907 and used on PuffinServer. {{{ #!/bin/bash # Directory for root to dump all database files DUMP_DIR="/var/backups/mysql/sqldump" if [[ ! -d "${DUMP_DIR}" ]]; then mkdir "${DUMP_DIR}" -p chmod 700 "${DUMP_DIR}" fi # All the MySQL databases, excluding ones we don't want DATABASES=$(mysql -NBA -e 'SHOW DATABASES' | grep -vw 'mysql' | grep -vw 'information_schema' | grep -vw 'performance_schema' ) # Loop through the databases and dump them for d in ${DATABASES} ; do # Find the cache tables CACHE_TABLES=$(mysql -NBA -e 'show tables' ${d} | egrep '^cache|^flood$|^watchdog$') for c in ${CACHE_TABLES}; do mysql -NBA -e "TRUNCATE ${c}" ${d} done # Dump the databases to DUMP_DIR echo "Dumping ${d}" nice -n19 mysqldump --add-drop-table ${d} > ${DUMP_DIR}/${d}.sql || exit 1 done }}}