See PiwikServer#ServerLogAnalytics {{{ #!/bin/bash # date format used in log files names DATE=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d") # location of the latest log file NEW_LOG="/home/puffin/nginx/puffin-nginx-$DATE.log" LOGFILE="/home/puffin/nginx/puffin-nginx.log" # check the log file exists and then fix it # and import it to piwik if [[ -f $NEW_LOG ]]; then # fix the issue with the proxy ip address being added to the first field cat $NEW_LOG | sed 's/,' > $LOGFILE # import the fixed log file python /web/ \ --url= \ --idsite=12 --enable-static --enable-bots --enable-http-errors --enable-http-redirect \ --log-format-regex='"(?P\S+)" (?P\S+) \[(?P.*?) (?P.*?)\] (?P\S+) (?P\S+) \S+ \S+ "(?P.*?)" "(?P.*?)" \S+ "\S+"' \ --recorders=8 $LOGFILE fi }}}