Changes between Version 139 and Version 140 of PuffinServer

06/02/14 13:01:00 (2 years ago)

Backupninja documentation updated


  • PuffinServer

    v139 v140  
    2929The wiki:PiwikServer generates stats from the humans visiting the server and some of these stats have been made public on wiki:WebStats. 
    31 There are some notes on analysing the raw Nginx stats on wiki:WebServerLogs and [ Webalizer stats for Puffin] are available using the same username/password as this Trac site. 
     31There are some notes on analysing the raw Nginx stats on wiki:WebServe# ssl cert check 
     3232 09 * * * sudo ssl-cert-check -qac "/etc/ssl/" -e "" 
     33rLogs and [ Webalizer stats for Puffin] are available using the same username/password as this Trac site. 
    3335There is a wiki:ErrorCodeCheck script which emails the total number of HTTP errors each day, see ticket:483#comment:63 for a list of the total for August, September and October 2013. 
    3537== Load Spikes == 
    37 The documentation of the load spike suicides that the server suffered from in 2013 has been archived to wiki:PuffinServerBoaLoadSpikes as that documentation is now out dated. 
     39The documentation of the load spike suicides that the server suffered # ssl cert check 
     4032 09 * * * sudo ssl-cert-check -qac "/etc/ssl/" -e "" 
     41from in 2013 has been archived to wiki:PuffinServerBoaLoadSpikes as that documentation is now out dated. 
    3943When the server was updated to BOA-2.2.3 on ticket:721 the scripts in {{{/var/xdrago/}}} were changed, however the load spike issue hasn't been finally resolved, see ticket:670#comment:22. 
    330334== Backupninja == 
    332 backupninja has been installed and configured to backup to another server in the Sheffield colo, two backup tasks have been configured in {{{/etc/backup.d/}}}, {{{10.sys}}} which does backups of system settings, like all the packages installed and {{{20.mysql}}} which dumps all the mysql databases into {{{/var/backups/mysql}}} and uses {{{/etc/mysql/debian.cnf}}} for authentication. In October 2013 we switched the servers filesystem to a ZFS server on the network, see ticket:593#comment:5 and now filesystem backups are done via ZFS snapshots so the rsync backup was disabled, see ticket:535#comment:22 
     336backupninja has been installed and two backup tasks have been configured in {{{/etc/backup.d/}}}, {{{10.sys}}} which does backups of system settings and {{{20.mysql}}} which dumps all the mysql databases into {{{/var/backups/mysql}}} and uses {{{/etc/mysql/debian.cnf}}} for authentication.  
     338In October 2013 we switched the servers filesystem to a ZFS server on the network, see ticket:593#comment:5 and now filesystem backups are done via ZFS snapshots so the rsync backup was disabled, see ticket:535#comment:22 
    334340== Postfix ==