
Version 11 (modified by chris, 4 years ago) (diff)

wp section added

Transition Network WordPress

WordPress sites that are to be migrated to ParrotServer.

See ParrotServer#AddingaNewWordPressSite for instructions for adding a new WordPress site to the server.

WordPress Sites

See ReconomyWordPress for documentation, site:

See InTransitionWordPress for documentation, site:

See EarthInheritorsWordPress for documentation, site:


The server has the script installed, this makes it very easy to maintain the sites and do things like installing, activating, deactivating and uninstalling plugins and adding and removing user accounts.

For example:

{{{sudo -i su-user su-user recon cd ~/sites/default/ wp help Available commands:

wp backup wp cache add|decr|delete|flush|get|incr|replace|set|type wp cap add|list|remove wp comment approve|count|create|delete|last|spam|status|trash|unapprove|unspam|untrash wp core config|download|install|install-network|is-installed|update|update-db|version wp db connect|create|drop|export|import|optimize|query|repair|reset wp eval wp eval-file wp export wp help wp home wp option add|delete|get|update wp plugin activate|deactivate|delete|install|path|status|toggle|uninstall|update|update-all wp post create|delete|edit|generate|list|update wp post-meta add|delete|get|update wp rewrite dump|flush|structure wp scaffold _s|plugin|post-type|taxonomy wp search-replace wp shell wp term create|delete|list|update wp theme activate|delete|install|path|status|update|update-all wp transient delete|get|set|type wp user add-role|create|delete|generate|import-csv|list|remove-role|set-role|update wp user-meta add|delete|get|update

See 'wp help <command>' for more information on a specific command.

Global parameters:

--config=<path> Path to the wp-cli config file --path=<path> Path to the WordPress files --url=<url> Pretend request came from given URL --user=<id|login> Set the WordPress user --require=<path> Load given PHP file before running the command --color/--no-color Whether to colozire the output --debug Show all PHP errors --quiet Suppress informational messages
