
Version 1 (modified by mark, 4 years ago) (diff)


Content Types

A summary of the main content types used by the Transition Network, with details of fields and data.

Since the web project evolved, many of the content types and fields have names which are not properly consistent with their use, or with other content types. This is planned to be changed, see issue #195 for more.

For simplicity and clarity for developers, the 'Services Name' (output in services and views) is listed first - where available - then the 'Public Name' (shown to members of the public on the website), then finally the internal name.

Fields Common to All Content Types

Since the sites are based on Drupal, the following fields are always present - or widely shared amongst our content types.

Drupal/services nameDescription
nidNode ID - unique within a given Drupal site, but not globally.
urlURL of this node, either aliased or not.
typeContent type of this node.
updatedThe date this node was updated
publishedThe date this node was published
locationA fieldset created by the Location module. Services show flattened versions with fields using the location_* namespace, e.g. location_city
uidThe user ID of the author.

Initiative Profile

This represents a single Transition Initiative and includes location, contact and other related data.

Note: There is also a very similar National Hub Initiative Profile content type whose variations are listed below.


Public NameServices NameInternal NameValuesDescription
Community typeinitiative_community_typesfield_communitytypeOptional, multi-select from: "City/Urban?", "Village", "Town", "Forest", "Rural", "Island"What community type(s) best describe your initiative?
Initiative typeinitiative_typefield_typeOptional, multi-select from: "Local Initiative", "Local Coordinating Hub", "Regional Coordinating Hub"-blank-
Statusinitiative_statusfield_statusRequired, either "Muller" or "Official"Status of initiative
Approximate number of membersinitiative_members_count_estimatedfield_memberstotalAny numberNumber of members on mailing list etc

Blog entry (blog)

A blog entry is a single post to an online journal, or blog.

Community Event (initiative_event, Group post)

An initiative's Event that is entered into a Community Microsite including its location, time and related themes. Any member of a Community Microsite can enter an event.

Community Microsite (initiative_group, defines a Group)

The container and homepage for a Transition Initiative. Extends a Transistion Profile by allowing members of the group working on the initiative to post News, Events, Pages and other content.

Community News (movement_news, Group post)

An initiative's News Story that is entered into a Community Microsite covering news, announcements and thoughts. Any member of a Community Microsite can enter one to their Microsite.

Feed (feed) & Feed item (feed_item)

Help convert RSS feeds of new from other sites and convert them into permanently-stored content on the website.

Forum topic (forum)

A forum topic is the initial post to a new discussion thread within a forum.

Goal (ambitions)

A Transition Town goal, benefit or aspiration that holds related information and is referred from all over the site.

Group Page (page_group, Group post)

A page in a Community Microsite (or private workspace) that only Community Microsite administrators can add or edit.

Imported Blogs (imported_blogs)

A Imported Blogs that comes from an external source - other Transition Initiatives not hosted here or related partners.

Imported Blogs - parent (imported_blogs_parent)

The parent for generating imported blogs

Ingredient (ingredient)

Ingredients of Transition. Relates to Tools and Stages.

Initiative Event (initiative_event_external)

An event submitted by a Transition Initiative's representative who has been given 'Initiative Representative' status. For initiatives without Community Microsites.

Initiative Profile (initiative_profile)

A profile describing a Transition Towns initiative.

National Hub Initiative Profile (initiative_hub_profile)

A profile describing a Transition Network national hub initiative.

PSE project submission (project_pse)

A temporary holder of a project submitted by users of the PSE.

Page (page)

A page, similar in form to a story, is a simple method for creating and displaying information that rarely changes, such as an "About us" section of a website. By default, a page entry does not allow visitor comments and is not featured on the site's initial home page.

Panel page (panel)

A panel layout broken up into rows and columns.

Partner Event (imported_event)

An Event created by one of Transition Network's partners who has been granted 'Event Partner' status.

Partner Event - Parent (imported_events_parent)

The parent for generating imported events

Project Profile (project_profile)

A Profile describing a project that is Transition-related. Any registered user may add a project.

We did work on the project profile templates (admin and published), and the projects directory in 12/2012. Some of the directory changes are still waiting to go ahead. See more on the project directory ticket (459) and project form page ticket (458)

Resource (resource)

Documents, websites, presentations etc. that appear in the main Resources Directory, and are relevant to Transitioners around the world. Anyone can add one for approval by the website editors. Not for Community Microsites.

Slideshow frame (slide)

A single frame for Slideshows to be shown on the homepage and possibly other locations.

Social Reporting blog post (blog_social)

A blog entry is a single post to an online journal, or blog.

Stage (stage)

A Stage representing the progress of a Transition Initiative.

Theme (topic)

A Transition Town theme that holds related information and is referred from all over the site.

Tool (tool)

A tool, as related by ingredients and stage.

Transition Network Event (event)

Representing an Event from the Transition Network including its type, location, time and related themes.

Transition Network News (network_news)

A Transition Network News Story covering press releases, site announcements, and informal blog-like entries may all be created for the Transition Network.

User Profile (profile)

A Public Profile of a user. Will be related to the user's account but is not the account - it's the public information page about the user.

Webform (webform)

Create a new form or questionnaire accessible to users. Submission results and statistics are recorded and accessible to privileged users.