Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of website/aboutDrupal

05/08/13 13:04:09 (4 years ago)



  • website/aboutDrupal

    v1 v2  
    1717* '''Get Users involved and control what they can do (with Roles)'''. Users can create their own User accounts, and Drupal's Roles system gives you fine-grained control of what different groups of Users can do. 
    1818* '''Export and Manage Features'''. When the things you've built with Drupal get complex, you can wrap up bundles of functionality into a "Feature".  This makes it easier to copy a fully-functioning system like a blog (made of a Content Type, some Views, some Menus and Blocks) from one site to another. 
    19 * '''Do all the above with NO programming knowledge'''. This is the most unique aspect of Drupal, the fact that all these things above can be built without needing to be a programmer.  It's all done through point and click.  This puts the development of powerful websites within the capabilities of non-technical people. 
     19* '''Do all the above with NO programming knowledge'''. This is the most unique aspect of Drupal, the fact that nearly all these things above can be built without needing to be a programmer.  It's all done through point and click.  This puts the development of powerful websites within the capabilities of non-technical people. 
    21 See all this in action: [[HomePageExplained|Transition Network Homepage explained]] 
     21See how it all fits together: [[HomePageExplained|Transition Network Homepage explained]]