Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of website/devEnvironment/workstation/macos

05/17/13 13:32:24 (4 years ago)



  • website/devEnvironment/workstation/macos

    v1 v1  
     1first in order to install drush I had to to get php and pear working properly I needed to create a file called .profile in my home directory with the following in it: 
     3export PATH=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.3.20/bin:/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin 
     5git installed straightforwardly 
     7then I installed drush (I found out I first had to upgrade pear), by navigating to the folder I had created in my Sites directory 
     9pear channel-discover 
     10pear install drush/drush}}} 
     12I had to edit the ect/hosts file thus (it's important it's in this order as OSX will ignore the hosts file if the second uncommented line here is not after the first local host one!!! took ages to work this out): 
     14# Host Database 
     16# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface 
     17# when the system is booting.  Do not change this entry. 
     19127.0.0.1       localhost 
     20127.0.0.1    transitiondev 
     21255.255.255.255 broadcasthost 
     22::1             localhost 
     23fe80::1%lo0     localhost 
     25then I needed to uncomment the following line in /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/httpd.conf (525): 
     27Include /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf 
     29then edit in /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf replacing the demo stuff and set it to the following: 
     32NameVirtualHost *:80 
     33<VirtualHost *:80> 
     34DocumentRoot "/Users/ben/Sites" 
     35ServerName localhost 
     37<VirtualHost *:80> 
     38DocumentRoot "/Users/ben/Sites/tndev" 
     39ServerName tndev 
     41<VirtualHost *:80> 
     42DocumentRoot "/Users/ben/Sites/transitiondev" 
     43ServerName transitiondev 
     45<VirtualHost *:80> 
     46DocumentRoot "/Users/ben/Sites/transitionbodge" 
     47ServerName transitionbodge 
     50in the mamp gui my ports are set to the mysql and apache defaults (there is a button in preferences->ports you need to press to set this as they are not the mamp defaults) 
     51Apache Port 80 
     52MySQLPort 3306 
     54I then had to install wget instructions here: 
     56I then could download the sites files using drush 
     58My computer then refused to run the drush command to disable the modules that should be disabled, I fixed that by uninstalling and reinstalling drush: 
     60{{{sudo pear uninstall drush/drush 
     61pear upgrade --force Console_Getopt 
     62pear upgrade --force pear 
     63pear upgrade-all 
     64pear channel-discover 
     65pear install drush/drush}}} 
     67I then downloaded the database... when in backup and migrate I chose bzip2 format to download (to prevent macos automatically unzipping it) and was then able to import the database through phpmyadmin as it was small enough. (i did this cos the drush command for piping in the database wasn't working at that point, but it may work now as drush wasn't working at that point properly) 
     69I set mamps mysql preferences by running this command in terminal 
     70{{{sudo cp /Applications/MAMP/Library/support-files/my-medium.cnf /Applications/MAMP/conf/my.cnf}}} 
     72then I edited /Applications/MAMP/conf/my.cnf and increased the max_allowed_packet from 1M to 16M (this might be excessive) 
     74cleared the caches 
     75{{{drush cc all}}} 
     77and I'm in. 