Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of website/devEnvironment

05/08/13 13:09:32 (4 years ago)



  • website/devEnvironment

    v2 v3  
    33To develop for the Transition Network, you need to be able to run an independent copy of the website that only you will change.  There are a few alternative ways you can do this: 
    5 1. [[website/devEnvironment/premadeVM|In a pre-made development environment]].  Recommended. Very easy to set up, as long as you have a reasonably powerful workstation with at least 4GB RAM. 
    6 2. [[website/devEnvironment/workstation|Through a webserver installed on your workstation]].  If you've already got an Apache/PHP/MySQL server set up on your workstation, this could be the easiest way to go.  WAMP (Windows) and MAMP (Mac) are pretty easy to install if you haven't, and LAMP-setup is well documented for popular Linux distrubutions.  If this looks feasible, and you can get it working, it results in a nice light-weight development environment. 
    7 3. [[website/devEnvironment/otherVM|Through another webserver you have access to]].  If you're a web developer with access to a LAMP server somewhere else on the internet, you can also use this, with just a couple of extra steps involved beyond method 2. 
     51. [[website/devEnvironment/workstation|Through a webserver installed on your workstation]].  If you've already got an Apache/PHP/MySQL server set up on your workstation, this could be the easiest way to go.  WAMP (Windows) and MAMP (Mac) are pretty easy to install if you haven't, and LAMP-setup is well documented for popular Linux distrubutions.  If this looks feasible, and you can get it working, it results in a nice light-weight development environment. 
     62. [[website/devEnvironment/otherVM|Through another webserver you have access to]].  If you're a web developer with access to a LAMP server somewhere else on the internet, you can also use this, with just a couple of extra steps involved beyond method 2. 
     73. [[website/devEnvironment/premadeVM|In a pre-made development environment]].  Run a read-made development environment from a virtual machine on your workstation.  Not recommended if (a) you're already very comfortable with your development tools, or (b) you have a workstation with less than 4GB RAM. 
    884. [[website/devEnvironment/aegir|Directly on Transition Network's Aegir platform]].  Relatively easy to set up, but still a bit experimental.  It's basically a variation on method 3, except you're using the Transition Network's Aegir server to host your development platform. 