Ticket #457 (assigned task)
Projects form - Enhance form entry
Reported by: | laura | Owned by: | ed |
Priority: | minor | Milestone: | Production |
Component: | Views & content types | Keywords: | |
Cc: | laura, jim, ed | Estimated Number of Hours: | 0.0 |
Add Hours to Ticket: | 0 | Billable?: | yes |
Total Hours: | 0 |
Description (last modified by ed) (diff)
1 - Entry Form:
- Set up new fields and permissions and groupings
- Enhance ‘helper’ texts and any links to other parts of TN listed on form to enhance usability and context.
- CSS and potential of custom templating/panels if needed for style and layouts
Change History
comment:2 Changed 4 years ago by laura
Updates - 3/12/12
Have finally added and conf'ged new fields, and popped them into correct order with enhanced user texts for description to help with usability.
Have updated panels page, just slightly to show the newer fields we are using (mainly removing some of the old fields and showing Jims super gulag-tastic import mashup and new aims. CSS and style tweaks and a few more move-arounds of content will be appearing soon.)
The old fields that are going are all now set to only be 'editable' by Site Admin roles, and have pushed them down in the edit form to avoid confusion for peeps like Ed and me, who have that status in their role.
The fields earmarked for deletion after Jim's return from the good ole US of A - are:
Project description (old one!)
LW or Ed to inform Jim of this once he's gotten over jet-lag (!)
In err of caution – have kept this field in the end, as it is used in a few other Content Types – have left viewable in panel view for projects too.
(wasn’t sure if removed it totally, it would impact on other CT’s too, not a bad thing to be left in tho).
field_em_video - was earmarked for deleting but think should stay for moment.
LW's ttd -
On Thursday -
Will update Wiki, and other tickets.
Add some more CSS to edit page, and also the CSS ready and custom view panes and re-jigging of the projects profile page (and will update ticket for that one too!)
comment:3 Changed 4 years ago by laura
Completed: (as of 6th Dec - LW)
New fields added and configured.
Old (fields to be removed) pushed down on the edit form (viewable by site editors only) ready for deletion.
CSS for making each grouping into a proper section is currently sat in GIT ready for putting to live. (includes css ready for projects profile pages, and directory pages first stage also)
Notes: The CSS is well documented and applies only to specific groupings on the Projects form. Customised redesign of 'fieldsets' to move the legend into the block have been created along with a visible TN leaf icon to help assist the user to easily identify each section, but may need more enhancement or altering after further browser tests. If rolling this type of format out in time across other forms, the css will need tweaking to allow.
Notes/learning experiences -
New 'Goals' facility.
Aim for having this field was originally to add enhanced filtering / finding of related data, plus ability to do custom block sections to promote projects (eg: 300 projects aspire to 'name of goal'. In time the map or home page features could really highlight the breadth of the range of projects with nice stats like this, thus not only promoting the diversity of Initiatives activity but also inspire others to add theirs too. Current aim to have new 'goals' on just projects forms - but could be added in time to other profiles (eg initiatives, personal users profiles etc)
Obvious choice for facilitating this would be a custom taxonomy as is flexible for many options not only in the edit form, but for use across the site and filtering easily in views.
After much testing on my VM, ended up going down the Node Reference route.
Node reference already being used across the site to pull data together.
Hierarchical Select module on my VM seemed to override any settings set for the taxonomy - eg - couldn't seem to set it as checkbox effectively if using content taxonomy field.
Issues (will need further tickets and notes adding to the other tickets for Projects profile and Projects Display)
Profile display - view pane not working so created for the moment a custom pane with dl list -
at this stage, as no special panel page / views set up (eg like the Themes pages) to pull in related content from around the site, do not want the node reference lists to link to a custom page. On the custom pane, appears (note on VM, will need to test this on live) that only one of the selected Goals shows in the list. If a user has selected more than one goal, need some help from JK to get the correct php call to list all, not just one for that field (this type of thing would be useful to add somewhere to site documentation too for the future, to enable any front enders/producers to be able to pull together quick bits of php calls to fields such as this without need to hassle JKs brain each time!)
Directory pages - On my VM tried to use Better Exposed filters to enable selection via checkboxes rather than select list - quite important for the new directory views tabs being set up to enhance user experience. This didn't work (mainly when trying Goals as a Taxonomy) and would not function. There are some comments in the BEF issues queue on Drupal.org about this too currently (but am running it fine on other sites, not sure why not working on TN on my VM). Not working for node reference either, and presume may not as BEF often works on fields that were selects on the CCK form.
It's not only the Directory tabs pages, but also Projects map page can be greatly enhanced by ability to filter easily by goal also.
Suggest we need a custom module to alter the defined exposed filters for projects as checkboxes for the Projects directory tabs. (some suggested examples: http://speakingofcomputers.blogspot.co.uk/2011/08/drupal-views-exposed-filter-as.html, http://www.weathermama.com/blog/2009/09/how-make-views-exposed-filter-dropdown-appear-checkboxes#comment-4778, http://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/36508/using-hook-form-alter-to-change-from-text-filter-to-checkboxes - there's a few more out there, as well as the original hook_form_alter which led to the development of BEF)
comment:4 Changed 4 years ago by ed
Form changes from Ed testing as Test User1 (ie not admin):
- Include the Primary Point of Contact (pre-filled) in People and contacts
- Video link and title: better on one line only (currently two)
- Files field: remove second field (which is not in the nice shaded box)
- Comment settings and notifications: can you make not visible to non-admin
- Project description field: there is a second Project Description field at the very bottom - can remove?
comment:5 Changed 4 years ago by laura
Cheers for the feedback Ed.
Re your comments -
1 - will see why not doing that already.
2- will have to set some custom css for that most likely, but will look into it further on Thursday.
3 & 5 (and 4 also) - Just need to check with JK re those, know where to amend them, but just want to check first incase they alter any other bits of the form.
CSS tweaks for Firefox are up on Git (along with the alterations for the block of 'latest projects' which was appearing too large in font size!). Will email JK to get em up.
comment:6 Changed 4 years ago by laura
update re 3 and 5: zapped attachments upload (originally down in the lower part of the form) and body area (the second description).
1 seems to fill in already on my side?
CSS updates are now on live so Firefox should be better now.
Will look at 2 and 4 on Thurs.
comment:7 Changed 4 years ago by ed
1: when user adding their project, can the PPOC field show up with their username in it? At the moment, it only shows the field to enter Web POC. This works for me when logged in as admin on pre-existing projects, but not when logged in as test user adding new project.
2: for Thurs this week
3&5 gone - thanks
4: for Thurs this week
comment:8 Changed 4 years ago by ed
two other pieces need changing:
- remove mandatory status for: number people co-ordinating project
- remove mandatory status for: number people benefitting project
comment:9 Changed 4 years ago by laura
Updates -
re 1 - settings all set up to work not sure why not working. *scratches head*
2 - will look into this
3,5 - done
4 - can't work out how to hide, unless do a visual css hide.
6 and 7 done.
Changed 4 years ago by laura
- Attachment Screen shot 2012-12-20 at 11.19.10.png added
Screenshot video field aligned via css
comment:10 Changed 4 years ago by laura
re 2 - Update 20/12/12
Aligned video fields via CSS. See attachement screenshot above. CSS being pushed up to GIT this afo.
Notes/Comment?: for future dev work - interestingly, resources form had css elements of projects form, hence some of the CSS was seeping through. Have now renamed CSS properties from '.projects-section' to '.project-page' as the Resources form was pulling in some of the CSS as somehow has that class attached to it too to prevent.
comment:11 Changed 4 years ago by laura
re - 1 - unsure why field isn't auto filled in. Noted on one forms when investigating, when creating new (eg initiative profile) name doesn't instantly appear for me as a bod with lots of roles, but does on some others (eg initiative event). All forms uisng the PPOC fields have the same settings and configs.
4 - not easy to do a visual hide. Unable to hide whole fieldset via css as doesn't have a unique id or name. Can potentially hide the individual radio buttons via css one by one - but don't advise that. Maybe one for JK to ponder on as could be some sort of permissions thingy.
comment:12 Changed 4 years ago by ed
- Priority changed from major to minor
- Description modified (diff)
moving to minor as there's lots of references for future in here, but it's mostly done
comment:13 Changed 4 years ago by jim
- Cc laura added
- Owner changed from laura to jim
- Type changed from enhancement to task
- Status changed from new to assigned
- Priority changed from minor to major
Transferring to me to delete the fields earmarked for deletion:
- field_people
- field_links
- field_funding
- field_materials
- field_inspiration
- field_outcomes
- field_unexp
- field_obstacles
- field_mistakes
- field_contact_media
- field_aim
- field_contact_volunteer
- field_launch
- Project description (old one!)
I'll review these and remove this week hopefully.
comment:14 Changed 4 years ago by jim
- Owner changed from jim to ed
These fields are now gone.
I've also updated several admin views that used these, and changed those driving the Projects Widget to make them cleaner and not check the redundant 'pse_moderation' field.
I have not checked or removed the bodies of the projects from the database though -- it's possible that the body entries (previously called 'Project Description') are still in the DB but not shown in the UI.
So this ticket is now done, but handing back to Ed to decide on the above, and the fate of this ticket in general.
comment:15 Changed 4 years ago by ed
- Cc jim added; ed removed
Does this mean that the content that the users added to the fields (description, obstacles, mistakes etc.) is still in the DB somewhere? If so could you leave some pointers toward it for later works?
comment:16 Changed 4 years ago by jim
- Cc ed added
No, those normal field's data is gone since the actual field has been deleted...
What I'm referring to is the standard node body field on the Project Profile node, labelled 'Project Description'. It's been removed from the UI by removing the body label on the project_profile content type page, but the content has NOT been deleted.
E.g. running this SQL lists 206 Project nodes that have body content -- even though this is no longer editable or displayed anywhere:
SELECT r.nid, r.body FROM `node_revisions` r INNER JOIN node n ON n.nid = r.nid WHERE n.type = 'project_profile' AND LENGTH(r.body) > 1 LIMIT 0, 500
So it's probably a few hundred Kb of data, nothing to worry about... The above will let anyone else track it down if needs be.
comment:17 Changed 4 years ago by ed
- Priority changed from major to minor
Great - moving to minor and tasking to Ed.
Notes on updates/work completed: 14/11/12 - LW - Tested a variety of options for styling form - resulted in simple grey boxes around fields using '.form-item' class rather than a fieldset or fieldset wrapper class (due to some cck areas being part of core eg 'body/description', therefore ineffective in ability moving into a grouping for some core fields currently ). Some field elements will have no grey background colouring - such as the main admin featuresPop-up helpers unlikely to be needed, as clarity of what the user will complete in any given field will be created via the helper texts. Currently many of these are fairly sufficient but each fields helper text will be revised and enhanced for usablity. New fields and rearrangement of existing fields into new grouping to be added to Live site on 22 November along with a sample panel page display set up for projected projects profile pages.