Last modified 3 years ago
Last modified on 08/07/13 12:11:29
We want to produce a Beta to be presented to the National Hubs at the National Hubs meeting in September in order to:
- Inspire National Hubs to discuss the options for sharing TI information and buy-in to the idea
- Understand the options in more detail
- Assess feature
- Time taken to build
- Time, skills and roles required to do different languages
- Money required to do different languages (by language)
Project scope ¶
Produce a International Initiative Registration Widget that needs to be
- Operational proof of concept working in Transition DEV/other specific environment with real data and associated user journeys for different user types
- Somewhere between a prototype and a beta
- Functional product that can be deployed promptly
- Using real data
- Not in public eye
- Run on dev servers, easy to access with password and username
- E.g. we could us a National Hub Administrator's account for a real National Hub on DEV