Custom Query (27 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Cc Status Owner Type Priority
#737 SPF / Emails rejected from the website contact form chris, paul, annesley, ed assigned sam maintenance minor
#761 Spam account cull annesley, paul, chris new sam defect major
#821 Projects forms being hammered by Spam chris, annesley, paul, ade new sam maintenance critical
#712 Create a new site ed, paul reopened paul maintenance major
#802 Slovenian state information missing / 'Not listed' will not submit paul, ed reopened paul defect major
#757 Research and Design for TNv3 annesley, sam, chris, paul, ben new ed task major
#767 robots.txt on dev site paul new ed defect major
#587 Puffin MySQL Tuning paul, ade assigned chris maintenance major
#716 Heartbleed sam, ed, jim, benj, paul new chris maintenance critical
#763 Server Backups ade, sam, ben, paul, annesley new chris maintenance minor
#812 hacked? ed, paul, annesley new chris maintenance critical
#814 Higher that usual loads on PuffinServer since early September ade, paul, annesley accepted chris maintenance minor
#824 Analysis of the 2014 maintenance ticket time ade, ed, ben, sam, paul, annesley new chris maintenance minor
#847 Upgrade Servers to Debian Jessie ade, paul, annesley, sam new chris maintenance major
#851 Bot attacks on Transition Culture ade, sam, annesley, paul new chris maintenance major
#875 Free HTTPS certificates from Let's Encrypt ade, sam, paul, annesley new chris maintenance major
#893 BOA Cron Jobs paul, sam., ade, kate new chris defect major
#903 Large load spike on PuffinServer ade, sam, paul new chris maintenance major
#904 Issues to consider in the migration from Drupal to WordPress ade, sam, paul new chris maintenance major
#905 TN site down due to redis not running ade, sam, paul new chris maintenance blocker
#907 TN Drupal database size paul, sam, ade new chris maintenance major
#919 Site offline paul, sam new chris maintenance major
#924 Sheffield Server Shutdown Timetable? sam, paul new chris maintenance minor
#746 New comment notifications not being sent to content owners. paul, chris new annesley defect minor
#764 Policy decisions re-assessment on BOA and Drupal security updates chris, paul, ben, ed, sam new annesley maintenance major
#890 Site offline. paul, chris new ade defect major
#899 Managing security after Feb 24th, 2016. chris, paul, sam new ade task major
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