Custom Query (48 matches)


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Ticket Summary Cc Status Owner Type Priority
#824 Analysis of the 2014 maintenance ticket time ade, ed, ben, sam, paul, annesley new chris maintenance minor
#790 Annesley locked out of puffin annesley, ed new chris maintenance blocker
#806 IIRS pre-beta usability issues annesley, ed, ben, sam new annesley innovation major
#758 * Advisory ID: DRUPAL-SA-CORE-2014-003 chris, ed, ben, sam, annesley assigned paul maintenance major
#644 AWstats Nginx config breaks aegir chris, ed, jim new chris defect minor
#488 Set up Dev/Test and update CodeManagementReleaseProcess for new Aegir, Git, Drush make approach chris, ed, laura, mark assigned mark task critical
#737 SPF / Emails rejected from the website contact form chris, paul, annesley, ed assigned sam maintenance minor
#764 Policy decisions re-assessment on BOA and Drupal security updates chris, paul, ben, ed, sam new annesley maintenance major
#458 Projects form - Project profile page display ed new laura enhancement major
#459 Projects form - Project Directory display ed new laura enhancement major
#523 Database intergrity ed new jim defect minor
#537 Parrot setup and documentation ed new chris maintenance major
#598 Redirect to ed reopened chris maintenance minor
#645 APC Tuning on Parrot and Penguin ed accepted chris maintenance minor
#675 Piwik Geolocation ed new chris maintenance minor
#714 Drop down menu useability on devices with touch screens ed assigned sam enhancement major
#715 Views admin pages not visible. ed new paul defect major
#740 Add 'class button block' to Soundcloud block ed new benj maintenance minor
#742 Stg site to play with ed new paul defect major
#768 Piwik Archive Cron Error ed new chris maintenance minor
#772 new TIs not appearing on staging until caches flushed ed assigned sam defect minor
#787 Access to Parrot ed new chris maintenance minor
#819 Trac anti-spam measures ed new chris maintenance major
#809 [Security-news] Drupal Core - Moderately Critical - Multiple Vulnerabilities - SA-CORE-2014-006 ed, ben, sam, annesley new paul maintenance major
#727 Change background on block from orange to white ed, benj assigned paul enhancement major
#596 Captions issue ed, benj, ben assigned jim defect minor
#590 Drupal performance improvements ed, chris assigned jim defect minor
#671 Replace core Search module with Apache Solr ed, chris, jim new ed defect major
#540 HTTPS for WordPress sites ed, laura new chris maintenance major
#619 Upgrade WordPress sites to 3.9.1 ed, laura new chris maintenance major
#541 Documentation of the WordPress sites ed, laura, chris, sam assigned chris maintenance minor
#712 Create a new site ed, paul reopened paul maintenance major
#812 hacked? ed, paul, annesley new chris maintenance critical
#719 Transition Culture HTML Problems ed, sam, annesley new ed defect major
#731 Meetings in maintenance ed, sam, benj, ben new ed task trivial
#741 Views editor disappears in backend ed, sam, chris, annesley new paul defect major
#582 platform and sites ed, sam, jim assigned sam maintenance major
#384 Enhance Project Profile Content Type and directory jim, ed new laura innovation minor
#519 Fixing various URL in the Database jim, ed new chris defect minor
#520 Session 443 config in settings.php jim, ed new jim task trivial
#521 MySQL Unsafe statement warnings in the daemon.log jim, ed new jim defect trivial
#606 Site upgrade tasks -- pre-migration cleanup jim, ed new ed enhancement major
#626 Add redirect from an old CMS to a new URL jim, ed, planetlarg new chris task major
#808 WordPress email being rejected due to From field laura, ed new chris maintenance major
#457 Projects form - Enhance form entry laura, jim, ed assigned ed task minor
#802 Slovenian state information missing / 'Not listed' will not submit paul, ed reopened paul defect major
#716 Heartbleed sam, ed, jim, benj, paul new chris maintenance critical
#676 Alternative to Skype for TTech Meetings sam, ed, jim, planetlarg, benj accepted chris maintenance minor
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