Custom Query (17 matches)


Show under each result:

Resolution: fixed (14 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Created
#465 Transferring a domain to Transition Network chris maintenance major DNS 4 years
#489 Problems with SSL? chris defect critical Live server 4 years
#561 Move Transition Research patterns Wagn website onto Penguin chris maintenance major Wagn 3 years
#678 unavailable chris defect major Live server 3 years
#258 Write and publish a cookies statement ed enhancement blocker Drupal modules & settings 5 years
#498 Usernames not showing up as links, and some links not showing on TI profiles ed enhancement critical Drupal modules & settings 4 years
#453 Delete workspaces jim maintenance major Drupal modules & settings 4 years
#473 Replace region option in location: from auto-complete to drop down jim enhancement major Drupal modules & settings 4 years
#524 Videos added via the video link don't work jim defect minor Drupal modules & settings 4 years
#450 Update Transition 2 movie site laura maintenance major Drupal modules & settings 4 years
#451 Create and install REconomy widget on laura enhancement critical Theme 4 years
#464 Remove 'diversity' option from newsletter subscription laura enhancement minor Drupal modules & settings 4 years
#467 Documentation mark enhancement major Drupal modules & settings 4 years
#527 Reports changes to Initiatives Detail report mark task major Views & content types 4 years

Resolution: invalid (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Created
#468 Load problems on kiwi and quince chris maintenance major Live server 4 years
#491 User being unsubscribed jim defect critical Drupal modules & settings 4 years

Resolution: wontfix (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Created
#486 Social reporters cannot set featured story ed defect minor Drupal modules & settings 4 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.