


09:43 Ticket #223 (Release & enable the Sharing Engine on DEV) closed by chris
fixed: The database name was wrong in …


15:49 Ticket #220 (Private forum: QUOTE PLEASE) closed by jim
fixed: Much faff will be needed to to a) on TN.org. BUT!!! a+b can happen on …
12:03 Ticket #223 (Release & enable the Sharing Engine on DEV) created by jim
(Documentation pending...) The sharing engine needs releasing to DEV, and …


12:19 Ticket #222 (Filter formats: CMS items content does not align) created by ed
Further to the WYSIWYG in the CMS having buttons that don't work, I have …


11:53 Ticket #143 (Location module not showing various locations) reopened by ed
OK bringing it back in, the drupal list of supported regions does not …
11:47 Ticket #143 (Location module not showing various locations) closed by jim
worksforme: Mais cette liste n'est pas correct! Regardez ici: …
09:41 Ticket #221 (Adding Big Blue Button to TN.org: QUOTE PLEASE) created by ed
please give a quote for adding Big Blue Button virtual conferencing to …
09:39 Ticket #220 (Private forum: QUOTE PLEASE) created by ed
please do a time quote for: (a) addition of a *private* forum facility …


15:34 Ticket #209 (Users in CMSs getting upate notifications: not wanted) closed by ed
15:33 Ticket #206 (Listings pages: tidy and organise) closed by ed
15:33 Ticket #189 (Design: directory homepages tidy up) closed by ed
15:30 Ticket #145 (Image upload inconsistency for CMS: says 100x100 - 300x300 but only ...) closed by ed
invalid: closing as no word back from users and as far as we can see, it's working.


15:03 Ticket #216 (Get SSL certificate for 2011/12) closed by chris
fixed: OK, the cert has been updated for the live and the dev server, new expiry …
14:50 Ticket #181 (Design: profile pages tidy up) reopened by ed
12:27 NewLiveServer edited by chris
12:01 Ticket #219 (All events have disappeared) closed by ed
fixed: done. sorted. ta.
11:55 Ticket #181 (Design: profile pages tidy up) closed by jim
invalid: Erm... it's there (see attached)
09:30 Ticket #219 (All events have disappeared) created by ed
It looks like the latest update has removed all the events added to the …
00:41 Ticket #169 (New event type: Initiative event (generated onsite)) closed by jim
fixed: These all look sexy now, closing.
00:40 Ticket #198 (SVN & servers: Feed module update & rebuilding feed importer) closed by jim
fixed: Feeds now updated to latest, uses 200char limit and creates proper teasers …


21:13 Ticket #137 (privacy option not working on user profile blog feed) closed by jim
fixed: Correction, it's not a bug it's a feature! Admins have permission to see …
19:08 Ticket #138 (Blog feed in user profile editing page needs a 'title' field) closed by jim
18:54 Ticket #156 (Separate type name from database entry on initiative profiles) closed by jim
fixed: Already done... Though not in an ideal fashion... Good enough. The field …
18:03 Ticket #134 (Breadcrumbs in workspaces incorrect and broken) closed by jim
fixed: Made a minor fix, appears fine now…
16:45 Ticket #217 (Include 'add to newsletter' on patterns pages) closed by jim
fixed: Done
16:36 Ticket #210 (CMS events not showing local time: seem to be referring to site's standard ...) closed by jim
fixed: All Events now have a selectable timezone for their date/time. (site wide, …
13:34 Ticket #218 (Debian upgrades and updates) created by chris
This is a ticket to track debian upgrades to the wiki:PuffinServer, …


16:14 Ticket #217 (Include 'add to newsletter' on patterns pages) created by ed
ooops just noticed the auto-add-to-newsletter nodequeue text isn't on …
15:17 Ticket #216 (Get SSL certificate for 2011/12) created by ed
Ed has paid 131.56 for the SSL cert for *.transitionnetwork.org to last us …
15:09 Ticket #213 (Add RSS feed for CMS's news) closed by jim
fixed: Done... Events and news.
13:54 DomainNames edited by chris
11:48 Ticket #215 (Make Transition nearby as a block) created by ed
please make transition nearby (.../nearby) functionality and text into a …
11:25 DomainNames created by chris
10:31 WikiStart edited by chris


15:26 Ticket #214 (Re-directing the transitiontowns.org domain to transitionnetwork) created by ed
We're all gee-ed up for this now. Are the correct next steps: 1. take a …
14:22 Ticket #213 (Add RSS feed for CMS's news) created by ed
add automatic RSS feeds for CMS news feeds (one feed per CMS) (Ed note: …
14:20 Ticket #212 (news & blogs teaser views, links in titles) created by ed
make the listings pages for /blogs /voices /news/community show only a …


16:27 Ticket #211 (Events listing page in CMS) created by ed
needs some alignment: http://www.transitionnetwork.org/cms/13601/events !
16:25 Ticket #210 (CMS events not showing local time: seem to be referring to site's standard ...) created by ed
The CMS site reverts events added in Australia to UK time: …


12:37 Ticket #209 (Users in CMSs getting upate notifications: not wanted) created by ed
Complaints from users of CMS Haddenham where anyone who is a member of the …
09:52 Ticket #196 (Panels work) closed by laura
fixed: Latest CSS file which is on DEV, will show better styling for the button, …
09:38 Ticket #205 (Blocks need styling) closed by laura
fixed: Added styling to sidebar blocks (can be seen in DEV), possibly a color …
09:36 Ticket #199 (Clearer differentiation between comments) closed by laura
fixed: Have increased indent, and separated each comment (can be seen on DEV) if …


14:53 Ticket #208 (Dblog Issues) created by chris
"The dblog module monitors your website, capturing system events in a log …
14:19 Ticket #207 (Logwatch Issues) created by chris
This is a ticket to track items that show up in the logwatch emails to …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.