Custom Query (143 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 143)

1 2
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#598 Redirect to reopened chris maintenance minor Maintenance
#646 Users denied access when trying to unsubscrbie reopened paul defect major Maintenance
#681 Submitting Transition event overseas: An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator. reopened sam defect minor Maintenance
#712 Create a new site reopened paul maintenance major Maintenance
#735 Add Annesley to github reopened chris task major Maintenance
#738 Change 'ben' account to have Ben Jarlett as owner reopened ben task major Maintenance
#802 Slovenian state information missing / 'Not listed' will not submit reopened paul defect major Maintenance
#304 Make the five star ratings filter-able in the resources directory view new jim enhancement minor Production
#384 Enhance Project Profile Content Type and directory new laura innovation minor Production
#458 Projects form - Project profile page display new laura enhancement major Production
#459 Projects form - Project Directory display new laura enhancement major Production
#485 is tablet/phone/touch unfriendly new laura defect minor Production
#519 Fixing various URL in the Database new chris defect minor Maintenance
#520 Session 443 config in settings.php new jim task trivial Maintenance
#521 MySQL Unsafe statement warnings in the daemon.log new jim defect trivial Maintenance
#523 Database intergrity new jim defect minor Production
#533 Five star ratings: remove from resources CT new ed task major Production
#537 Parrot setup and documentation new chris maintenance major Maintenance
#540 HTTPS for WordPress sites new chris maintenance major Maintenance
#603 Forwarding newsletter sends wrong message new jim defect trivial Maintenance
#606 Site upgrade tasks -- pre-migration cleanup new ed enhancement major Maintenance
#619 Upgrade WordPress sites to 3.9.1 new chris maintenance major Maintenance
#626 Add redirect from an old CMS to a new URL new chris task major Maintenance
#644 AWstats Nginx config breaks aegir new chris defect minor Maintenance
#661 Add button block to homepage RHS: Send us your news stories new sam task major Maintenance
#671 Replace core Search module with Apache Solr new ed defect major Maintenance
#675 Piwik Geolocation new chris maintenance minor Maintenance
#689 Duplicate comments new paul defect minor Maintenance
#690 Paul learning the ways of the force. new ed task major Maintenance
#692 Debian Updates new chris maintenance major Maintenance
#715 Views admin pages not visible. new paul defect major Maintenance
#716 Heartbleed new chris maintenance critical Maintenance
#719 Transition Culture HTML Problems new ed defect major Maintenance
#731 Meetings in maintenance new ed task trivial Maintenance
#734 Create Trac & Wiki account for Annesley new chris task major Maintenance
#740 Add 'class button block' to Soundcloud block new benj maintenance minor Maintenance
#741 Views editor disappears in backend new paul defect major Maintenance
#742 Stg site to play with new paul defect major Maintenance
#746 New comment notifications not being sent to content owners. new annesley defect minor Maintenance
#747 Accessibility / archiving of podcasts new ed innovation trivial
#750 Annual update of SSL cert fingerprint for incomming emails to Trac new chris maintenance major Maintenance
#757 Research and Design for TNv3 new ed task major TNv3
#759 [Security-news] SA-CONTRIB-2014-071 - FileField - Access bypass new ed maintenance major Maintenance
#761 Spam account cull new sam defect major Maintenance
#763 Server Backups new chris maintenance minor Maintenance
#764 Policy decisions re-assessment on BOA and Drupal security updates new annesley maintenance major Maintenance
#767 robots.txt on dev site new ed defect major Maintenance
#768 Piwik Archive Cron Error new chris maintenance minor Maintenance
#783 IIRS design and development new ed task major IIRS
#787 Access to Parrot new chris maintenance minor Maintenance
#789 SA-CONTRIB-2014-088 - Mollom - Cross-site scripting (XSS) new ed maintenance major Maintenance
#790 Annesley locked out of puffin new chris maintenance blocker Maintenance
#792 [Security-news] SA-CONTRIB-2014-094 - Webform Patched - Cross Site Scripting (XSS) new ed maintenance major Maintenance
#794 Time estimate: change background image new ben task major Maintenance
#804 Investigating the site security following SA-CORE-2014-005 (Drupal 7.32) new ed maintenance major Maintenance
#806 IIRS pre-beta usability issues new annesley innovation major TNv3
#808 WordPress email being rejected due to From field new chris maintenance major Maintenance
#809 [Security-news] Drupal Core - Moderately Critical - Multiple Vulnerabilities - SA-CORE-2014-006 new paul maintenance major Maintenance
#812 hacked? new chris maintenance critical Maintenance
#818 For watch lovers. superwatches new ed defect major
#819 Trac anti-spam measures new chris maintenance major Maintenance
#821 Projects forms being hammered by Spam new sam maintenance critical Maintenance
#824 Analysis of the 2014 maintenance ticket time new chris maintenance minor Maintenance
#834 Slovenian State info missing again new paul defect major Maintenance
#836 "Date is invalid" on film content type new paul defect minor Maintenance
#847 Upgrade Servers to Debian Jessie new chris maintenance major Maintenance
#849 (No subject) new ade defect major
#851 Bot attacks on Transition Culture new chris maintenance major Maintenance
#853 Parrot access please new chris defect major Maintenance
#855 Piwik plugins new chris enhancement major Maintenance
#856 Blocked IP? new chris defect major Maintenance
#857 Tiny MCE weirdness new paul defect major Maintenance
#859 Subscription emails broken new paul defect major Maintenance
#860 More details on Server provision new chris task minor
#865 synchronisation new ade enhancement trivial
#868 Is backed up in a convenient manner? new chris enhancement major Maintenance
#870 MediaWiki 1.23.10 new chris defect minor Maintenance
#871 Brute Force Attacks Against WordPress Sites new chris maintenance major Maintenance
#873 New Wordpress site please new chris maintenance major Maintenance
#874 Please check & then install Georss if no problems new paul defect major Maintenance
#875 Free HTTPS certificates from Let's Encrypt new chris maintenance major Maintenance
#877 RE: outstanding invoices new ade defect major
#879 MediaWiki 1.23.11 new chris maintenance major Maintenance
#882 Login to PiWik stats new chris maintenance minor
#884 RE: new ade maintenance major Maintenance
#887 Lot's of failed logins on new ade maintenance minor Maintenance
#890 Site offline. new ade defect major Maintenance
#892 MediWiki Security Release: 1.26.1, 1.25.4, 1.24.5 and 1.23.12 new chris maintenance minor Maintenance
#893 BOA Cron Jobs new chris defect major Maintenance
#894 Brute Force Attacks Against WordPress XMLRPC new chris maintenance major Maintenance
#897 Hosting information/requirements for 2016 new chris maintenance major Maintenance
#899 Managing security after Feb 24th, 2016. new ade task major
#901 Enable SSH access to PuffinServer for Ade new chris maintenance major Maintenance
#903 Large load spike on PuffinServer new chris maintenance major Maintenance
#904 Issues to consider in the migration from Drupal to WordPress new chris maintenance major Maintenance
#905 TN site down due to redis not running new chris maintenance blocker Maintenance
#907 TN Drupal database size new chris maintenance major Maintenance
#909 What's involved in enabling longer Piwik reports? new chris defect major Maintenance
#912 Stats for TTT new chris maintenance minor Maintenance
#916 SSH to parrot please new chris maintenance major
1 2
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