


23:42 Ticket #726 (Upgrade to Piwik 2.2.1) closed by chris
fixed: The reply, http://dev.piwik.org/trac/ticket/5102#comment:5 > Files to …


15:54 TransitionMaintenance edited by ed
13:22 website edited by chris
13:22 website edited by chris
13:21 website edited by chris
13:20 website edited by chris
Added link to https://wiki.transitionnetwork.org/BOA_Server documentation (diff)
11:57 Ticket #646 (Users denied access when trying to unsubscrbie) reopened by sam
Sadly that didn't seem to work. This came in today: "I've tried a few …


13:41 PiwikServer edited by chris
cron section added (diff)
13:28 TransitionMaintenance edited by ed
12:15 PiwikServer edited by chris
Link to Upgrade Piwik to 2.2.1 ticket:726 added (diff)
12:14 Ticket #726 (Upgrade to Piwik 2.2.1) created by chris
> Piwik 2.2.1 is a new minor release which brings more stability to the …
09:59 Ticket #724 (Subscription emails from Rob's blog not arriving.) closed by sam
fixed: Hi Chris Thanks for this. I can confirm the emails are now coming so will …


10:23 Ticket #721 (Upgrade to BOA-2.2.3 Stable Edition) closed by chris
fixed: Replying to chris: > > I think this ticket is basically done …
10:17 PuffinServer edited by chris
Link to BOA-2.2.4 upgrade ticket:725 added (diff)
09:49 Ticket #725 (Upgrade to BOA-2.2.5) created by chris
Note this ticket was opened to upgrade to BOA-2.2.4 but when the …


14:16 Ticket #707 (Upgrade to BOA-2.2.2) closed by chris
fixed: Closing as it's been superceeded by ticket:721 for the 2.2.3 update.


10:35 Ticket #654 (TIs appearing in 'TIs by list' view without a number) closed by sam
fixed: This was fixed a while ago, forgot to close the ticket..


15:28 Ticket #646 (Users denied access when trying to unsubscrbie) closed by sam
fixed: Done, I'll close the ticket but open it again if anyone else complains..
10:21 Ticket #724 (Subscription emails from Rob's blog not arriving.) created by sam
A user has got in touch to let us know he is not getting Rob's updates by …


11:18 Ticket #723 (Mediawiki 1.22.6 Upgrade) closed by chris
fixed: Following the wiki:MediaWiki#Updates notes, which have also been updated. …
11:15 MediaWiki edited by chris
Updated upgrade notes for 1.22 from 1.19 (diff)
11:12 MediaWiki edited by chris
Added link to upgrade 1.22.6 - ticket:723 (diff)
11:10 Ticket #723 (Mediawiki 1.22.6 Upgrade) created by chris
Announced …


12:58 Ticket #722 (Meetings in TNv3) created by ed
Ticket to track time on meetings for TNv3


07:01 PuffinServer edited by chris
07:00 PuffinServer edited by chris
Link to ticket 721, BOA 2.2.3 added (diff)
06:58 Ticket #721 (Upgrade to BOA-2.2.3 Stable Edition) created by chris
wiki:PuffinServer has sent this email: > There is new BOA-2.2.3 Stable …


05:51 WikiStart edited by chris


09:13 Ticket #720 (Upgrade to Piwik 2.2.0) closed by chris
fixed: Following the wiki:PiwikServer#Updates notes, switch off the recording of …
09:02 PiwikServer edited by chris
upgrade note updated to match new process (diff)
08:52 PiwikServer edited by chris
Link to #720 upgrade piwik to 2.2.0 added (diff)
08:51 Ticket #720 (Upgrade to Piwik 2.2.0) created by chris
From the Changelog, http://piwik.org/changelog/piwik-2-2-0/ > Piwik …


10:56 Ticket #705 (Create a contents page on TransitionCulture.org Wordpress site) closed by sam
fixed: Mike is happy with the above. Closing


21:07 Ticket #719 (Transition Culture HTML Problems) created by chris
If you look at old Transition Culture articles they had hyperlinks and …
15:45 Ticket #718 (REconomy site showing adverts randomly) closed by ed
fixed: Great - thanks Laura - now closing this ticket - this will come up as …
15:33 Ticket #718 (REconomy site showing adverts randomly) reopened by ed
Re-opening - LAURA - please add the time spent to this ticket ASAP so I …
15:30 Ticket #718 (REconomy site showing adverts randomly) closed by ed
fixed: OK. No more log looking then! I'll tell Fi that she can sponsor more …
15:00 WikiStart edited by chris
13:24 PuffinServer edited by chris
CSF / LDF section updated (diff)
12:16 PuffinServer edited by chris
Fix for php-fpm stats updated, see ticket:707#comment:33 (diff)
08:58 HeartbleedAdminEmail edited by ed


14:58 HeartbleedAdminEmail edited by sam
13:01 HeartbleedAdminEmail edited by sam
12:56 HeartbleedAdminEmail created by sam
12:52 DraftCommunications created by sam
12:51 WikiStart edited by sam
11:00 PuffinServer edited by chris


21:45 WikiStart edited by chris


14:59 SecurityInfo edited by chris
New SSL Fingerprints added (diff)
14:43 SecurityInfo edited by chris
09:19 Ticket #718 (REconomy site showing adverts randomly) created by ed
Load http://www.reconomy.org and the first time you get it, and other …


21:57 Ticket #717 (Heartbleed / Open SSL vunerability) closed by chris
duplicate: Replying to sam: > > I don't think I have seen a ticket for …
21:50 Ticket #717 (Heartbleed / Open SSL vunerability) created by sam
Hi Chris I don't think I have seen a ticket for this? …
09:53 Ticket #716 (Heartbleed) created by chris
Following on from ticket:692#comment:18 we should undertake the steps …


20:57 PuffinServer edited by chris
BOA-2.2.1 ticket:707 updated to BOA-2.2.2 (diff)
15:51 Ticket #715 (Views admin pages not visible.) created by sam
Hi I just tried to access the views admin interface here: …
13:59 SecurityInfo edited by chris
Link to ticket:692#comment:18 added (diff)
13:57 SecurityInfo edited by chris
SSL fingerprints added (diff)
13:56 SecurityInfo edited by chris


10:21 Ticket #714 (Drop down menu useability on devices with touch screens) created by chris
The main menu bar across the top of the Transition Network site has a drop …


17:10 Ticket #538 (intransitionmovie.com checks and updates) closed by sam
fixed: I uploaded (all 20!) subtitle files & edited …


20:45 Ticket #604 (Times for admin tasks) closed by ed
invalid: trying it now was OK; it seems much slower in the mornings, and I hear …
11:40 Ticket #713 (Ticket clearing) closed by chris
fixed: Tickets closed: * ticket:618 Migrate Penguin and Parrot to the ZFS …
11:36 Ticket #656 (Spam being sent out via Transition Culture) closed by chris
fixed: This appears to be now resolved.
11:35 Ticket #382 (Measurement and tracking requirements for TN and PSE) closed by chris
11:30 ParrotServer edited by chris
11:28 Ticket #666 (Parrot lockups) closed by chris
fixed: Closing this, hoping the fix for the NFZ/ZFS server has resolved this, see …
11:22 Ticket #539 (REconomy site migration and updates) closed by chris
fixed: Closing this ticket now, Laura has done a lot of updates and redesign on …
11:16 Ticket #550 (Transition Town Totnes migration) closed by chris
11:15 WikiStart edited by chris
11:05 Ticket #684 (Adding Paul and Nick to Transition Network on github.org) closed by chris
fixed: This is resolved as far as I'm aware, I think the new members are set to …
11:01 Ticket #687 (Set up cert expiry date checking for all SSL certs) closed by chris
fixed: Movie cert check on wiki:ParrotServer has been removed as we are not …
10:49 Ticket #613 (Parrot mysql console errors) closed by chris
fixed: I have just checked the Xen console again and there are more messages like …
10:38 Ticket #682 (Create Trac & Wiki account for Paul) closed by chris
10:37 Ticket #546 (Trac documentation) closed by chris
fixed: This seems to be resolved.
10:33 Ticket #618 (Migrate Penguin and Parrot to the ZFS fileserver) closed by chris
fixed: This is now sorted, I have also added a note on ticket:593#comment:12 for …
10:30 Ticket #713 (Ticket clearing) created by chris
There are 33 …


16:54 TransitionMaintenance edited by ed
16:51 TransitionMaintenance edited by ed
16:03 Ticket #712 (Create a new stgX.transitionnetwork.org site) created by sam
Hi Paul I have been trying to build a staging site using your Github …
15:16 Ticket #703 (Image not scaling on project) closed by sam
fixed: Fixed
14:47 Ticket #711 (Emails & Telephone calls) created by paul
13:15 Ticket #710 (Incorrect email address for Sam on Transition Culture) closed by chris
fixed: Replying to chris: > > samrossiter@… > …
13:01 Ticket #710 (Incorrect email address for Sam on Transition Culture) created by chris
I'm seeing quite a few emails like this: […]
12:48 MediaWiki edited by chris
== Parsoid == section added (diff)
10:45 PuffinServer edited by chris
Link to BOA-2.2.0 ticket:707 updated as BOA-2.2.1 has been released (diff)


23:11 MediaWiki edited by chris
Information about the 1.22.5 upgrade and VisualEditor? added to the 2nd … (diff)
23:07 Ticket #706 (Upgrade Mediawiki to 1.22.5 and install the new VisualEditor) closed by chris
fixed: I have done some testing and the new editor seems to be working fine, I …
22:59 MediaWiki edited by chris
Updated to reflect that Mediawiki has been upgrade to 1.22.5 (diff)
18:48 Ticket #709 (Reconomy sites appears to be sending out spam) created by chris
This failed email has just been returned: […]
11:28 Ticket #629 (Upgrade to BOA-2.1.3 Stable Edition) closed by chris
wontfix: Replying to ed: > Unless its massively security urgent, wait …


20:28 WikiStart edited by chris
link * ticket:629 Upgrades to BOA removed (diff)
15:18 Ticket #698 (intransitionmovie.com returns 405 on submit) closed by sam
fixed: Hi I have emailed David suggesting he adds the event to the main site as …
13:52 Ticket #708 (Map not showing Indian initiative) closed by sam
fixed: Seems to work
13:44 Ticket #708 (Map not showing Indian initiative) created by sam
13:08 Ticket #704 (Image not scaling on project) closed by sam
fixed: Duplicate ticket, see /trac/ticket/703
13:06 Ticket #702 (Attachments not being deleted from Trustees page) closed by sam
fixed: Fixed. Only 2013 ones are visible. I didn't do anything, perhaps Ed's …
13:01 Ticket #699 (Update Core & Plugins on transitionculture.org) closed by sam
12:52 Ticket #647 (Teaser length for homepage panes views) closed by sam
fixed: 1, Blog post = 300 characters from body 2, Featured news story = 150 …
12:28 Ticket #657 (Homepage slideshow: can't order the images) closed by sam
fixed: Fixed. After a bit of head scratching and investigating nodeque it turned …


23:06 PuffinServer edited by chris
Times for completed BOA upgrades added to PuffinServer#Upgradetickets (diff)
23:03 PuffinServer edited by chris
22:48 PuffinServer edited by chris
Description from ticket:629 copied to #UpgradingBOA section (diff)
19:27 PuffinServer edited by chris
Link to BOA-2.2.0 ticket:707 added (diff)
19:25 Ticket #707 (Upgrade to BOA-2.2.2) created by chris
I have created a new ticket for this as I have found having one ticket …
15:46 MediaWiki edited by chris
15:46 Ticket #706 (Upgrade Mediawiki to 1.22.5 and install the new VisualEditor) created by chris
From …
15:33 Ticket #705 (Create a contents page on TransitionCulture.org Wordpress site) created by ed
Create a contents page on TC.org to see a listing of all the blog posts. …
15:06 Ticket #639 (earthin site wordpress error) closed by ed
wontfix: this site is gone now so i'm closing this
13:51 Ticket #704 (Image not scaling on project) created by ed
The REconomy logo is not scaling and being re-presented well on the …
13:06 Ticket #703 (Image not scaling on project) created by ed
The REconomy logo is not scaling and being re-presented well on the …


17:11 Ticket #702 (Attachments not being deleted from Trustees page) created by ed
I can't remove the attachments from the Trustees page: …


13:00 ArchivingSites edited by chris
Link to CSS hack, ticket:698#comment:7 added (diff)
10:57 ArchivingSites created by chris
Page created trying to draw some lessons from the problems archiving the …
10:44 WikiStart edited by chris
09:38 Ticket #701 (Emails & Telephone calls) created by paul


11:23 Ticket #700 (Mediawiki 1.19.13) closed by chris
fixed: Following the wiki:MediaWiki#Updates notes and the last update, …
11:16 MediaWiki edited by chris
11:15 MediaWiki edited by chris
11:12 MediaWiki edited by chris
11:10 MediaWiki edited by chris
11:07 MediaWiki edited by chris
Link to ticket:700 MediaWiki updrage to 1.19.13 added (diff)
11:06 Ticket #700 (Mediawiki 1.19.13) created by chris
From the …


11:46 Ticket #699 (Update Core & Plugins on transitionculture.org) created by sam
This site needs an update. I'll do a database backup then update it.


11:00 SecurityInfo edited by chris
Info about SPDY support which is being enabled on wiki:PenguinServer added (diff)


14:20 TransitionResearchWagn edited by chris
14:19 TransitionResearchWagn edited by chris
14:17 TransitionResearchWagn edited by chris
Section created for the old WEBrick documentation (diff)
14:13 PenguinServer edited by chris
Nginx section added (diff)
14:05 PenguinServer edited by chris
Debian updates ticket number updated (diff)
14:02 Ticket #635 (Transition Research Patterns WEBrick monitoring) closed by chris
wontfix: Closing this ticket as we are now using Phusion Passenger rather then …


11:45 Ticket #698 (intransitionmovie.com returns 405 on submit) created by sam
http://www.intransitionmovie.com/screenings/share-your-screening/ vid …


14:58 Ticket #697 (Piwik 2.1 upgrade for stats.transitionnetwork.org) closed by chris
fixed: Looking at: - http://piwik.org/faq/how-to/#faq_191 This seems to be out …
14:53 PiwikServer edited by chris
Logo update (diff)
13:46 PiwikServer edited by chris
Piwik download steps updated (diff)
12:55 PiwikServer edited by chris
Link to ticket:697 upgrade to Piwki 2.1 added (diff)
07:37 Ticket #697 (Piwik 2.1 upgrade for stats.transitionnetwork.org) created by chris
Full details on …


15:51 TransitionMaintenance edited by ed
11:49 ParrotServer edited by chris
11:07 Ticket #695 (File upload problem with TTT WordPress site) closed by chris
fixed: Laura has reported: > uploads are now working So closing this ticket.
10:51 Ticket #696 (Disk space error on parrot for TTT site) created by chris
Email from Laura: > Message appearing at top of ttt website when I just …


19:46 Ticket #695 (File upload problem with TTT WordPress site) created by chris
Laura has reported: > Had a report this evening that the TTT website …


19:32 Ticket #694 (Mediawiki 1.19.12 upgrade) closed by chris
fixed: Following the notes from the last upgrade, ticket:686 […] The version …
19:30 MediaWiki edited by chris
Download URL updated (diff)
19:20 MediaWiki edited by chris
link to mediawiki upgrade to 1.19.12 on ticket:694 added (diff)
09:03 Ticket #694 (Mediawiki 1.19.12 upgrade) created by chris
On the …


16:18 Ticket #693 (Module security updates: February 2014) created by sam
Hi Paul You'll see from this ticket; …


23:59 StrategyConsultation edited by chris
23:52 StrategyConsultation edited by chris
23:50 StrategyConsultation edited by chris
s/we/I/ (diff)


15:52 WikiStart edited by chris
15:50 Ticket #218 (Debian upgrades and updates) closed by chris
fixed: This ticket was superseded by ticket:692 on 2014-02-25.
15:16 Ticket #692 (Debian Updates) created by chris
This is a ticket to track debian upgrades to the wiki:PuffinServer, …


16:53 Ticket #691 (Upgrade Wagn hosting for patterns site) created by chris
The http://patterns.transitionresearchnetwork.org/ site is running using a …


15:00 Ticket #690 (Paul learning the ways of the force.) created by paul
I'm not a jedi yet #### Transition Network Week ending 16 February …


23:00 TransitionMaintenance edited by ed
09:13 Ticket #688 (Password for innertransition@transitionnetwork.org ?) closed by sam
fixed: Thanks Chris, found it now..


21:20 IIRS/DevelopmentPlan edited by jim


12:21 Ticket #689 (Duplicate comments) created by sam
Hi I got the below message from Mike. Paul could you take a look if you …


16:59 Ticket #688 (Password for innertransition@transitionnetwork.org ?) created by sam
Hi Chris At the moment innertransition@… is …


13:33 Ticket #487 (robots.txt files for development sites) closed by sam
fixed: Hi I changed robots.txt on the stg & stg2 servers yesterday using the …


22:04 Ticket #487 (robots.txt files for development sites) reopened by chris
Reopening this as Sam noticed that https://stg.transitionnetwork.org/ is …
13:03 Ticket #681 (Submitting Transition event overseas: An illegal choice has been detected. ...) reopened by jim
This is not complete unless the patch is either; * A: not needed as it's …
12:43 Ticket #681 (Submitting Transition event overseas: An illegal choice has been detected. ...) closed by sam
12:42 Ticket #650 (Helping TN strategy consultation with online publishing) closed by sam
fixed: Done with a webform in the end
12:39 Ticket #649 (Add commenting to /films/ content type in January) closed by sam
fixed: done
12:37 Ticket #679 (Filter Initiative by Country not working) closed by sam


20:02 IIRS/DevelopmentPlan edited by jim
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.