- 21:14 LennyToSqueeze edited by
- (diff)
- 21:13 LennyToSqueeze edited by
- (diff)
- 18:18 Ticket #324 (Training events needs) closed by
- fixed: 1: New calendar with breadcrumb at: …
- 17:48 Ticket #345 (TRAC time 'add hours' not working) created by
- When you put something in "Add Hours to Ticket", it overwrites the "Total …
- 17:18 Ticket #336 (change 'save' button on adding content to 'submit') closed by
- fixed
- 15:14 LennyToSqueeze edited by
- (diff)
- 14:51 LennyToSqueeze edited by
- (diff)
- 14:42 LennyToSqueeze edited by
- (diff)
- 14:19 LennyToSqueeze edited by
- (diff)
- 13:02 LennyToSqueeze created by
- 12:48 DevelopmentServer edited by
- (diff)
- 10:59 Ticket #344 (Strange things on the user acct -->profile edit page) closed by
- fixed: 1: Fixed 2: Changed from unlimited number to 1 photo 3: Field help text …
- 10:48 Ticket #344 (Strange things on the user acct -->profile edit page) created by
- some mysterious appearances on the user acct --> edit profile page …
- 20:29 Ticket #343 (Let stories bloggers see published and author fields) created by
- the bloggers want to add their stories in advance, and tinker with them …
- 16:50 Ticket #342 (Blocks needed for phase 5) created by
- 1. make a homepage launch block for stages (where 'dive in' block is) with …
- 12:28 Ticket #192 (Mediawiki SpamBlacklist configuration needs checking) closed by
- fixed: I have deleted all the spam and blocked the spam accounts: …
- 12:24 NewLiveServer edited by
- (diff)
- 12:07 WikiStart edited by
- (diff)
- 14:11 Ticket #341 (Badge and widget for Social Reporting pilot) created by
- stories pilot just started - need some viral promo mojo... 1. tasteful …
- 13:48 Ticket #305 (Add RSS feed for SR blogs) closed by
- duplicate: duplicate of #327 closing
- 13:48 Ticket #317 (Can't subscribe to stories posts) closed by
- duplicate: duplicate of #327 closing
- 18:55 Ticket #340 (Auto-save: how does it work?) created by
- Social reporter bloggers can't work out where the auto-save goes - where …
- 18:41 Ticket #339 (Immediate changes to social reporter blog posts) created by
- Need doing ASAP - Ed just looked around and couldn't see how to do these …
- 16:36 Ticket #338 (Usability changes to projects) created by
- From Ben: to be picked up by Laura as part of the webmaster's enhancement …
- 16:30 Ticket #337 (Piwik GeoIP plugin) created by
- If we install the GeoIP plugin http://dev.piwik.org/trac/ticket/45 we …
- 13:20 Ticket #336 (change 'save' button on adding content to 'submit') created by
- I know the drupal standard is to have save and preview, and this has been …
- 11:51 Ticket #335 (re-order comments to news items to: oldest first) created by
- 18:19 Ticket #334 (Image serving on https) created by
- I note that images that are uploaded to the server are then served from …
- 17:28 Ticket #333 (Suggestions to buttons with text in them) created by
- Jane Brady (has sorted out the training section) suggests trying different …
- 16:24 Ticket #332 (Add a redirect module) created by
- we've moved a lot of pages around and want to change the node hierachy - …
- 13:36 Ticket #331 (profile pages: map box: tidy/style with hatching) created by
- the box round the maps on profile pages is gruff - pls style it as per the …
- 22:26 MaintenanceTasks created by
- 22:26 WikiStart edited by
- (diff)
- 22:19 SandBox edited by
- (diff)
- 22:18 SandBox edited by
- (diff)
- 22:18 SandBox edited by
- (diff)
- 22:17 SandBox edited by
- (diff)
- 22:17 SandBox edited by
- (diff)
- 22:14 SandBox edited by
- (diff)
- 22:10 SandBox edited by
- (diff)
- 22:07 SandBox edited by
- (diff)
- 22:05 SandBox edited by
- (diff)
- 22:03 WikiStart edited by
- (diff)
- 17:10 Ticket #330 (Ingredients changes to install relevant styles) created by
- alongside #318 but further to jim and ed meeting: 1. on the ingredients …
- 16:59 Ticket #329 (Add clustering function for map to speed it up) created by
- Maps are going very slowly - add a clustering function to speed it up
- 16:33 Ticket #84 (initiative reporting: error?) closed by
- duplicate: duplicate of #299 - closing
- 16:32 Ticket #272 (REconomy resources workflow image map) closed by
- wontfix: sought an alternative graphic/interaction designer with experience and put …
- 16:31 Ticket #155 (Make the map not revert back to worldview when you move) closed by
- wontfix: too much else on; closing
- 16:28 Ticket #153 (Add a single sign on feature for TN.org) closed by
- wontfix: closing for now as likelihood will be to use third party authentication …
- 16:25 Ticket #276 (HTTPS for all Authenticated Sessions) closed by
- fixed
- 16:25 Ticket #239 (Widget not working) closed by
- fixed
- 16:23 Ticket #279 (navigation changes) closed by
- fixed
- 16:22 Ticket #267 (Design general) closed by
- fixed
- 16:22 Ticket #265 (Ingredients pages) closed by
- fixed
- 16:22 Ticket #224 (Add Varnish cache) closed by
- fixed
- 12:57 Ticket #149 (Make a 'bloggers badge') closed by
- wontfix
- 12:56 Ticket #303 (Add subscription and alert for resources and references in groups) closed by
- wontfix: closing as we're removing the references feature entirely
- 12:35 Ticket #215 (Make Transition nearby as a block) closed by
- fixed
- 12:31 Ticket #81 (Ini point of contact mail inclusion) closed by
- fixed
- 16:46 Ticket #328 (How to measure SR posts and ingredients) created by
- We'll need to provide some stats for all activity in /stories and …
- 15:00 Ticket #327 (Changes to /stories) created by
- 1. install RSS feed 2. enable subscriptions to all 'stories' and …
- 12:10 Ticket #326 (Usability changes as per the usability report) created by
- Report has been circulated around ttech - to READ and then discuss - some …
- 12:08 Ticket #325 (Captcha: appears mid-process, but can't be seen) created by
- A user had a problem where she was setting off the captcha but didn't know …
- 11:06 Ticket #324 (Training events needs) created by
- was #280 but that went AWOL and is closed. Need: 1. a training events …
- 10:30 Ticket #323 (add leafy ratings icons to LIVE) created by
- as per DEV - and show in resources
- 10:29 Ticket #322 (New ingredient genarator: users add their own) created by
- 1. Think of a process enabling users to add their own ingredients. 2. …
- 10:27 Ticket #321 (Automate homepage images and text with module - TRAC) created by
- atm it's a handmade bodge - need to enable admin users to upload new …
- 10:26 Ticket #320 (Add sitemap for site) created by
- …
- 10:26 Ticket #319 (Blocks styles not saving: module changes) created by
- Enabled module for blocks css classes is not saving changes
- 10:25 Ticket #318 (Ingredients and stages changes) created by
- 1. /ingredients homepage: enable 'expand/contract' section feature. set …
- 09:54 Ticket #317 (Can't subscribe to stories posts) created by
- I can't subscribe to /stories blog posts... ntk how to do that... and set …
- 09:40 Ticket #316 (Slovenia: update to location module) created by
- We have slovenia but no regions in it. Here is user's feedback: In …
- 09:26 Ticket #315 (Google maps error message) created by
- Mike Grenville reports: I was using the map of initiatives earlier this …
- 10:33 Ticket #314 (Project block appears all over) closed by
- fixed: The block's set here: …
- 09:54 Ticket #314 (Project block appears all over) created by
- Needs to not appear - I've got lots of 'do not show on this page' requests …
- 12:36 Ticket #313 (Resources directory enhancements) created by
- Sort by date added/date last updated Sort by star rating (and make star …
- 07:03 Ticket #312 (Project profiles not showing up) created by
- Some of the project profiles are not-published - from a user Will …
- 16:42 Ticket #311 (Remove, or mask, the CMS resources functionality) created by
- The REconomy project have decided to move to a Wordpress config as the CMS …
- 15:32 Ticket #310 (Adding event: make 'stage' NOT mandatory) created by
- Please make 'stage' NOT mandatory when adding events
- 15:30 Ticket #309 (Roll out new design for CMSs?) created by
- Do we need to do any design work on the CMSs/workspaces following the …
- 13:22 Ticket #308 (Social reporting blog view: correct?) closed by
- fixed
- 10:04 Ticket #308 (Social reporting blog view: correct?) created by
- I clicked on Jay Tompt link from the /stories map and went to here: …
- 09:40 Ticket #307 (Spam account sweep) created by
- As discussed - we need to do a sweep through the user tables and remove …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.